

The swag外流 Department of English offers courses in British, American, and global Anglophone literatures. The major is designed to give students a comprehensive understanding of the history of English-language literature, a strong foundation in literary criticism and interpretation, and extensive instruction in written expression. We encourage students to pursue a broad array of approaches to the study of English: courses required for the major range across time periods and genres, and can include both theoretical and creative work. English majors can also take advantage of the resources offered by literature departments at the other Claremont Colleges.

Faculty List


Decker, Michelle

Associate Professor of English
Phone: 78137

Koenigs, Thomas

Associate Professor of English; Chair, Department of English
Phone: 73544

Liu, Warren

Associate Dean of Faculty; Associate Professor of English; Title IX deputy coordinator
Phone: 79100

Mansouri, Leila

Assistant Professor of English
Phone: 70322

Matz, Aaron

Professor of English; Frederick Hard Chair in English Literature; Chair, Faculty Executive Committee
Phone: 78120

Peavoy, John

Associate Professor of English emeritus
Phone: 74086

Prakas, Tessie

Associate Professor of English
Phone: 70337